Saturday, September 28, 2013

Very first post!!

So today is the day I have decided to put the pen to paper (so to speak) and start "blogging"!  I will be honest....I haven't done much research other than reading a few blogs, so I'm not quite sure what  I should be doing or what to expect from this but I had to give it a try.

So I've read a few blogs here and there and I've noticed a trend.  Most of them seem to have something to offer.   They promote themselves as "frugal this" or "beauty guru" that or my favorite is the "stylish but on a budget" type.  Now dont get me wrong. ..I LOVE those sites...they inspire me. ..but I am in no way shape or form here to claim to be any one of the above....well...not yet anyway...who knows...maybe someday in the distant future I too will have the super mom powers of being flawless with my wardrobe, queen of d.i.y. party decorating, holding down my full time job and making it home with enough time to prepare an organic gourmet meal from scratch. ...but for now I'm happy making it through the day without landing in jail from my road rage and not emotionally scaring my children for life.

Now why did I want to start a blog you ask? Answer is...I dont know.  I guess the easiest way for me to rationalize it is to say that I have alot on my mind.  I may not be the super mom like I mentioned above but my plate still seems pretty full.

As I mentioned earlier I was a mom at a very early age. I had my son right after graduating high school.  While I had almost a full scholarship to college,  my dad died earlier that year and although I knew my sons father would always be there, I decided that I needed to find a job asap so I could support my son. As a minority, unwed, teen mother I could hear the words "STATISTIC"  screaming in my head,  so I had to get a job and prove to myself more than anyone else that I could be a great mother.

While all my friends were off to college,  I was off to work. I had no time to party or really even socialize. I wanted my family to work.   Truth is that between work , kids and working on our marriage,  friends were definitely the last thing on my list. They all moved on with their lives and I only keep in touch with a all handful of them.   Fast forward 15 years,  a marriage and two more kids later. I'm still working ,running errands,  with my kids and the spare time we have my husband and I try to spend together.  Be that as it may, my husband works so hard and for so many hours that our quality time is few and far in between.

Finally I have found myself going through life and all its curveballs and other wonderful and at times frustrating experiences and I needed an outlet.   I needed a way to convey everything I feel and all my questions without being interrupted and my poor husband can only handle so much of me so here I am. I look forward to seeing how this turns out.

Now if you made it to the end of this that means you've given me a few minutes of your time and I thank you.  I know this first post was long winded but I wanted to give you a sense of where I was coming from.   I promise to make future posts more concise and light hearted.  I hope you stay tuned.  :)

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