Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tis the season...... ..

So far December has been very hectic and stressful.....and not for the normal reasons it would be. ..especially so early into the month.  It's not due to the crowded shopping malls and Christmas shopping and bills all at once...ofcourse I still have to deal with those but I also have other mishaps to deal with as well. Lets start with the fact that on the way to the kids Christmas concert my car broke down then add on top of that school tuition for all 3 children (we live in a really bad school district)  past due and needs to be made current or their classes will be interrupted.  I have utilities and credit card bills and Birthdays are coming up and all  these things are hitting me all at once.

Not to mention I've been fighting with my husband over some of these issues and to his credit he has been extremely forgiving because I will admit that I have been aloof with my spending and payment habits. ( NOT buying expensive bags or jewelry ...lets just leave it at that)   The moral of my story is that this time of year and all of the struggles my family and I have encountered has reminded me of what the true meaning of this holiday season is.....I know I know..sooooo cliche. ...ita not about material things....its about miracles like the miracle of the birhth of chirst....its the little miracles we see every day. ...a kind smile. ...the help of a stranger....  like the one I got from two different men at the gas station I ended up at when I got stranded when my car broke down.   They may not have been able to fix the problem but they tried their best. I truly appreciated it. Like my neighbor who took time away from his family two days in a row to help my husband and I out. Also my boss who offered to give me a loan and a raise that I did not earn but she knew it would help in my time of need even though the office is not doing well at this time either. .....this is the true definition of the holiday spirit.
  I am truly thankful for these people my and my friends and especially my  family.  I am so fortunate to have them in my life and at times I may feel I don't deserve them but I will cherish them always and forever and I will strive to provide the best life I can for them.

I pray that this Holiday season brings you joy and happiness. I pray that you look at your loved ones and smile and are thankful for the joy that they bring you.