Friday, July 25, 2014

Tomorrow and my choice.

Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start! I've been so distracted by so many things lately and I will admit I have lost my focus.  I have so many goals and ambitions but I always have a difficult time sticking to my plans. I feel like I have so much potential to achieve great things or at the very least provide great things for my family.  I just need to power through the obstacles and surge forward.  I see so many other women making their dreams come true and I look at myself and feel a bit of disappointment.  I understand that it takes a tremendous amount of hard work and perseverance but I'm ready! !

I see a pattern in my life where I start off with such an amazing amount of energy and determination but half way through the process I get thrown off my path by an enumerous amount of things.  I have to stay on schedule and not give in to unforseen deterents.

Its been a struggle but finally I feel like everything may be lining up in order. My husband and I have worked on communication lately. After 18 years together and everything we've been through, this is a major step forward for us.  Without going into details....18 yrs together since I was 15, 13 years married means  we have been through alot and at the end of the day we still choose to be with each other and work through anything that comes our way.

Tomorrow means that I can still take control of my destiny and become someone I can be proud of.  Someone who can contribute and provide a better life for our children.  I can look in the mirror and be happy with what I have achieved!

I know I have alot of issues to deal with.  My weight and health.  My job.  My family. My friends.  My home and family.  Things like having a goal and picking the course to achieve it.  What weightloss program to use, How to attack my debt issues. How to work on being a better wife and mother. How to demand respect for myself. How to see myself in a better light.  How to advance at work. How to be a better sister and daughter. How to be a better friend. How to be a better person.

Saying all of those things and realizing that they dont even BEGIN to encompass all to the tasks I have ahead of to fathom sending our children to college..just one issue that comes to mind....ALL of those things and at this point all I can do to calm myself down and not go spiraling off into a deep depression is this......i  keep telling myself a few thing at a time...things will work out the way theyre supposed to....things could always be worse....someone out there would look at my life and be GRATEFULL!!!!

All of those things are true.  I know I have to take one step at a time.  I know my husband is there to support me and go through these things with me every step of the way.  Theres still time for me to make a change in my life for the long as im breathing...theres still time.....there are so many people who wish they were in my to make a choice...I should not linger in depression... how dare I look at my life and not see room for growth...If I dont make improvements then there is no one to blame but MYSELF!!!!!

Consider this my realization and declaration to myself out loud....I Will Be BETTER....I WILL ACHIEVE!!! I WILL GO FORWARD!!  I will wake up tomorrow thankful for the breath of life the Lord has given me.  I will take the gift of life given to me and make the most of it.

Tomorrow holds so many opportunities. ..I just need to be brave enough to seize them....wish me luck!